News from Vermont #437 Happy (Maple Syrup) New Year!

May 6, 2022

Happy (Maple Syrup) New Year!

Hi Folks and greetings from Morse Farm!

Jake here, and I wanted to reach out with a quick update from Morse Farm.

For sugarmakers, the new year really doesn’t start in January… the new year begins in late winter when the days start getting longer and sap starts to run in the sugar maples on the hillsides above our farm, a time of promise and anticipation. Lines are checked, trees tapped and the evaporator is prepped for the sugaring season. We start getting phone calls asking “Are you boiling yet?”

Now that this year’s sugaring has ended – we’re busy cleaning up, putting things away, and canning new syrup – I’m happy to report that it was generally a good season, much better than the previous year, and there’s plenty of all grades of the new crop of pure Vermont maple syrup available. Morse Farm syrup – along with other fine maple products, and our assortment of Vermont specialty foods and gifts – can be ordered online at or by calling us at 800.242.2740 between 10am-5pm EST daily.

Finally, we are all living through lots of changes at this point in time, it can seem overwhelming. Here at Morse Farm, well, we are not immune to this. The past year has seen many changes here in our small and quiet part of the world. Burr – the previous author of these updates, and currently enjoying a long planned cross-country road trip – has finally come to the decision that he wants to “retire”…whatever that really means as he is a Morse!

Moving forward I have always felt that one of my core beliefs is that Morse Farm is more than any one person – it is a team effort that includes our entire staff so you may actually get a story from one them! While there will be some updates and changes, a lot will not change – we remain connected to the farm, and continue with the beliefs and values of what being a Morse has instilled in all of us!

I have found that one of the privileges of working at Morse Farm is the opportunity to meet people from all over the USA and beyond, even as things change we look forward to continuing to share the Morse Farm experience with you.



I also would like to say that I will not be trying to copy Burr’s style of writing or stories…..I mean how could I as he’s like 100yrs older than me….I mean, he’s a very talented writer! What I can say is that the newsletter will be more entertaining than this one as I wanted to give you guys a heads up first!

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